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How to Plan Project-Based Learning Lesson Plans - Thimble Online STEM Classes
Project-based learning lesson plans are one of the most labor-intensive undertakings for any educator. But they don't have to be.
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Getting Started with P.B.L.
Think back to your most memorable educational experience. Chances are, it was an epic project. As teachers, we can design epic projects to make this happen! But what about the time constraints? What about the standards? What happens if students struggle to collaborate? Check out the articles and resources below that answer some of your big questions as you begin your PBL journey.
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Using Urban Communities As A Resource: PBL

Overall, project-based learning encourages students to think on a higher level, teach the students about organizations and practices, and allow the students to organize information on their own
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12 Myths About Project-Based Learning
Among the most pervasive myths about project-based learning is that students ‘doing projects’ equates to students learning through PBL.
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Resources for Getting Started With Project-Based Learning
Explore Edutopia's curated compilation of online resources for understanding and beginning to implement project-based learning.
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What Happens in Project-based Learning? - CORE

This paper explores the question “what happens in project-based learning?”

based on the observations made during the SLITS (Self-directed Learning with Information Technology Scheme) project.

The project involved 40 groups of students working on projects of their own choice, each group being facilitated by a teacher.

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