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Resources - Roger Schwarz & Associates, Inc.
Mutual Learning is a comprehensive approach that enables leadership teams to get to the heart of their toughest challenges, get unstuck and move forward together to achieve results.
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Shifting from Unilateral Control to Mutual Learning

Chris Argyris and Don Schön Model I & Model II, Compare and Contrast

Most of us are experts in the unilateral control model because we grew up in a culture that reinforces and values that model. The mutual learning model, by contrast, is in a state of comparative nascence in our culture and most of us are beginners at using it.

Now what ? this shift is uneasy and not impossible. This shift matters
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Mutual learning Model: A Model for Learning From and With Others

I choose this “methodology” because it makes us reflect on the fact that in training based on non-formal methodology everybody is a learner, including the trainer. We can be able to adapt our methodology only if we will see the learner’s dimension in what we are proposing.

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An approach that gets you and your team moving forward together
The Mutual Learning approach draws from Chris Argyris and Don Schön’s Model II work, as well as the work of Bob Putnam, Diana Smith and Phil MacArthur at Action Design, who originally used the term Mutual Learning Model.
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Mutual learning exercise on citizen science initiatives : policy and practice. First topic report, Introduction and overview of citizen science : Horizon Europe policy support facility.

This report provides background information on the Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science. It is written with a science policy audience in mind and provides an introduction and details of the modus operandi for the MLE. The report first provides a brief overview of the activities that are part of the field of citizen science.
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What the Mutual Learning Approach is Not
When leaders first hear about the Mutual Learning approach, they often misunderstand what it is. Sometimes the easiest way to understand something is to contrast it with what it is not. […]
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